Sunday, July 18, 2010

Monsoon Madness

This is the time of year I really do dread. Here we are in the middle of the monsoon season yet not a drop of water. Oh yeah..we've had the hajibs.. is that the correct term to use?? The big winds that come cruising into town that never hang around very long.
Just enough time to do some damage to trees. Debris flying, leaves,twigs, and limbs from trees cracking like a whip; it can be scary at night.
Today I visited with my Dutch friends. I figured if I need to be cool and write about something that has an element of coolness, it is Jacques and Elsbeth. They are 71 and 70 years young. Jacques still lives in Holland, but Elsbeth is in Scottsdale. I've learned from them how to appreciate the heat. Summers in The Netherlands can be like winters in New England where Jacques lives. Eastern Holland, Voerendaal, is the "high area" of The Netherlands. Rolling green hills with black and white Dutch cows. You know they are Dutch cows because they have clogs on..just kidding.
There is always an element of a slight wet breeze in the air..this area is known as the wet forest..I loved it there last year! It is cool in the evening, and yes, it rains but I love the "freshness" after it.. If I could learn to speak Flemish/Dutch, maybe there would be hope.
After a three hour lunch with us chowing down on fresh fruit, potato salad, and muffins, and going from Dutch to English, I needed to face the drive back home.
Here's the to keep your car cool while on an outing in the middle of the day?If there aren't any trees, or a car port, don't the time you get home, the a/c may be working..or like Erma Bombeck said,"Carey pot holders in the car!"
But hey, I'm glad I did go out today because it is worth the trip to see my friends no matter how sultry it is outside @ 3:00 pm in the middle of July. It was 111 degrees according to my car..but hey I can listen to good vibes and crank the a/c right?

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